
院       系: k1体育娱乐平台


电子信箱: wuxiaomeng0812@163.com

更新时间: 2022-09-06

















       (1)中国博士后科学基金会,“调控胶原-酪蛋白体系自聚的关键因素及动力学机制研究”(2019M660062),博士后面上资助项目(一等),2019年11月01日- 2021年07月01日,12万,结题,主持;

       (2)国家科学技术部,国家重点研发计划“食品安全关键技术研发”中的“乳与乳制品加工靶向物质危害控制技术集成应用示范”(NO.2018YFC1604205)“乳蛋白水解特异性研究及特定功能性乳制品开发”; 2018年12月-2021年12月,375万,在研,参与;

       (3)国家科学技术部,国家重点研发计划“食品安全关键技术研发”中的“传统发酵食品加工过程内源性危害物控制技术的应用示范”(NO.2018YFC1604100)“传统发酵食品生产菌种定向选育、安全评价及应用研究”; 2018年12月-2021年12月,414万,在研,参与





       (1)     Xuemei Zhu; QiWang; Youbin Leng; Fang Chen; Feiyang Wu; Guangqing Mu*; Wu Xiaomeng*,Lecithin alleviates protein flocculation and enhances fat digestion in amodel of infant formula emulsion,Food Chemistry. 2021, 346, 128918

       (2)     Fang Qian; XiaoxiGao; Li Li; Mian Safian Murad; Guangqing Mu; Xiaomeng Wu*, Influence offorming method of blending versus casting layer-by-layer on structuralproperties and packing performances of casein-gelatin composite edible filmunder different appending proportion, Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2021.138,50378

       (3)     Xiaomeng Wu;Junpeng Zhang; Safian Murad M; Yanghe Luo; Zihao Guo; Guangqing Mu,Fabrication of Delivery Gels with MicellarCasein Concentrates (MCC) Using Microfiltration Embedding LactobacillusRhamnosus GG (LGG): Effect of Temperature on Structure, RheologicalBehavior, and Texture. Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2020,68(28),7498-7508

       (4)     Xiaomeng Wu;Qi Liu; Yanghe Luo; Safian Murad M; Linxian Zhu; Guangqing Mu, Improved packingperformance and structure-stability of casein edible films by dielectricbarrier discharges (DBD) cold plasma. Food Packaging and Shelf Life.2020

       (5)     Xiaomeng Wu; Yanghe Luo; Fujunzhu Zhao;Safian Murad M; Guangqing Mu; Influence of dielectric barrier discharges (DBD)cold plasma on physicochemical property of milk for sterilization. PlasmaProcesses and Polymers.2020

       (6)     Xiaomeng Wu, Yanghe Luo; Qi Liu; Shujuan Jiang; Guangqing Mu,Improved structure-stability and packing characters ofcrosslinked collagen fiber based film with casein, keratin and SPI, Journal ofthe Science of Food and Agriculture.2019

       (7)     QiLiu; Xiaomeng Wu*; Fang Qian; TaoZhang; Guangqing Mu*, Influence of natamycin loading on the performance of transglutaminase-induced crosslinked gelatin compositefilms, International Journal of Food Science & Technology.2019,54(7)2425-2436

       (8)     Xiaomeng Wu, Anjun Liu*, Wenhang Wang, Ran Ye, Improved mechanical properties andthermal-stability of collagen fiber based film by crosslinking with casein,keratin or SPI: effect of crosslinking process and concentrations of proteins,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018,

       (9)     Xiaomeng Wu, Yaowei Liu, Anjun Liu*, Wenhang Wang*, Improved thermal- stability andmechanical properties of type I collagen by crosslinking with casein, keratinand soy protein isolate using transglutaminase, International Journal ofBiological Macromolecules.2018

       (10)  Xiaomeng Wu,Kun Wang, Yaowei Liu, Anjun Liu*, Ran Ye, Microstructure ofTransglutaminase-induced gelatin-natamycin fungistatic composite films,International Journal of Food Properties.2017

       (11)  Xiaomeng Wu,Yaowei Liu, Wenhang Wang*, Yue Han, Anjun Liu*, Improved Mechanical and ThermalProperties of Films Using a Nano Inorganic Filler, Journal of Food ProcessEngineering.2017-06



