
院       系: k1体育娱乐平台


电子信箱: duming121@163.com

更新时间: 2022-09-07





       2015年10月-2015年11月,University of Minnesota,访问学者;

       2012年12月-2013年12月,University of Wisconsin-Madison,访问学者;










     兼任辽宁省食品科学技术学会副理事长等职务;学术兼职包括eFood共同主编(ISSN: 2666-3066)、Food Science and Human Wellness、Protein and Peptide Letters、《食品科学》、《食品工业科技》、《大连工业大学学报》等期刊编委。





     国家级人才支持计划项目获得者、2011年教育部新世纪优秀人才、辽宁省特聘教授、辽宁省优秀专家、省农业创新团队首席、辽宁省“百千万人才工程”(百人层次)、大连市杰出青年科技人才等荣誉称号。主持国家“十三五重点研发专项项目、国家“十四五重点研发专项项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等科研课题30余项。在Biotechnol. Adv.等期刊以第一或通讯身份发表SCI收录论文100余篇, ESI高被引文章3篇;参编《Mineral Containing Proteins》、《Biologically Active Peptides》等著作13部,第一发明人授权国家发明专利11项。获2018年国家教学成果二等奖1项(第5完成人)。


       1. 2022-01至2026-12,国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,牡蛎蛋白对铁锌吸收的影响及其改性调控的分子机制,32130085,287万元,主持;

       2. 2021-12至2025-12,国家重点研发计划项目,中华传统与民族特色食品品质形成机理及调控技术研究,合同总经费4000万元,主持;

       3. 2020-06至2022-12,省科技计划项目,海洋功能性多肽构效关系及活性机制研究,2020JH1/10200001,100万元,主持;

       4. 2020-11至2023-10,国家基金,80万元,主持;

       5. 2018-07至2020-12,科技部,国家重点研发计划“现代食品加工及粮食收储运技术与装备”重点专项:“民族特色食品工业化加工技术与装备开发”,2018YFD0400100,合同总经费1667万元,主持;

       6. 2018-12至2020-12,中共辽宁省委组织部,辽宁省特聘教授“2018兴辽人才计划辽宁省特聘教授基金”,“海产品蛋白高质化加工关键技术及产品开发”,XLYC1802047,100万元,主持;

       7. 2018-01至2022-12,国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,“热加工诱导食源铁储藏蛋白结构变化及对其铁吸收机制的影响”,31730069,147万元,参与;

       8. 2018-01至2022-12,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,“物理加工对长牡蛎蛋白品质特性及消化吸收的影响机制研究”,31771926,60万元,主持;

       9.  2017-09至2020-12,大连市科学技术局,大连市杰出青年科技人才:“水产蛋白活性肽产业制备关键技术”,2017RJ09,100万元,主持;

       10. 2017-06至2020-12,科技部,国家“十三五”重点研发计划“现代食品加工及粮食收储运技术与装备”重点专项子任务:“食品营养及生物活性物质的健康功能作用研究”2017YFD0400201,60万元,主持;


       12. 2014-01至2017-12,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目:“牛乳乳铁蛋白结构与其成骨活性关系研究”,31371805,85万元,主持;

       13. 2013-01至2016-12,科技部,“十二五”科技支撑项目子课题:“基于酪蛋白胶束乳铁蛋白动态包裹释放机制的乳铁蛋白分离技术”,2013BAD18B00,90万元,主持;

       14. 2012-01至2014-12,国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金:“牛乳骨桥蛋白与乳铁蛋白的协同成骨作用及热处理对其影响研究”,31101316,23万元,主持;

       15. 2012-01至2014-12,教育部,新世纪优秀人才支持计划:“热处理对牛乳铁蛋白生物活性影响及其机制”,NECT-11-0796,50万元,主持



       1. Ming Du, Zhe Xu, Hui Chen, Fengjiao Fan, Pujie Shi and Di Wu, Biologically active peptides, Chapter 27: Food-derived osteogenic peptides towards osteoporosis. Editor: Fidel Toldra´, Jianping Wu; Publisher: Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-821389-6. 2020.

       2. Ming Du (参编), Meng Liu, Fengjiao Fan, Pujie Shi, Maolin Tu.“Structure, Function, and Nutrition of Lactoferrin”in《Mineral Containing Proteins- Roles in Nutrition》, Editor: Guanghua Zhao; Publisher: Springer; ISBN 978-981-10-3595-1. 2017。




       6. Ming Du (参编), Lu Zhang.“Structure of Hydrogenase in Biohydrogen Production Anaerobic Bacteria”in《Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology》. 1st Edition. IGI Global, December 2010。









       1. Yang, Meilian; Wu, Di; Cheng, Shuzhen; Dong, Yu; Wu, Chao; Wang, Zhenyu; Du, Ming*. Inhibitory effects of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) peptides on RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in vitro and osteoporosis in ovariectomized mice. Food & Function, 2022, 13: 1975-1988.

       2. Li, Han; Xia, Xiaoyu; Zang, Jiachen; Tan, Xiaoyi; Wang, Zhenyu; Xu, Xianbing; Du, Ming*. Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) ferritin can efficiently reduce the damage of Pb2+ in vivo by electrostatic attraction, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 210, 365-376

       3. Xu, Zhe; Chen, Hui; Fan, Fengjiao; Shi, Pujie; Cheng, Shuzhen; Tu, Maolin; Hesham El-Seedi; Du, Ming*; Pharmacokinetics and Transport of an Osteogenic Dodecapeptide, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68, 9961-9967(Front cover文章)

       4. Liu, Hanxiong; Tu, Maolin; Cheng, ShuZhen; Xu, Zhe; Xu, Xianbing; Du, Ming*; Anticoagulant Decapeptide Interacts with Thrombin at the Active Site and Exosite-I, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(1): 176-184.

       5. Cheng, Shuzhen; Tu, Maolin; Liu, Hanxiong; An, Yue; Du, Ming*; Zhu, Beiwei*; A novel heptapeptide derived from Crassostrea gigas shows anticoagulant activity by targeting for thrombin active domain, Food Chemistry, 2020.

       6. Li, Han; Tan, Xiaoyi; Xia, Xiaoyu; Zang, Jiachen; Wang, Zhenyu; Du, Ming*; Thermal treatment modified the physicochemical properties of recombinant oyster (Crassostrea gigas) ferritin, Food Chemistry, 2020, 314: 1-6.

       7.  Wang, Zehan; Xu, Zhe; Sun, Liming; Dong, Liang; Wang, Zhenyu; Du, Ming*; Dynamics of Microbial Communities, Texture and Flavor in Suan zuo yu during Fermentation, Food Chemistry, 2020.

       8. Chen, Hongrui; Shi, Pujie; Fan, Fengjiao; Chen, Hui; Wu, Chao; Xu, Xianbing; Wang, Zhenyu; Du, Ming*; Hofmeister effect-assisted one step fabrication of fish gelatin hydrogels., LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 121: 1-8.

       9. Zhao, Qiyue; Li, Han; Chen, Hui; Wu, Chao; Hesham, R. Ei-Seedi; Xu, Xianbing*; Du, Ming*; High throughput analysis and quantitation of α-dicarbonyls in biofluid by plasmonic nanoshells enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 403, 123580

       10. Wu, Di; Tu, Maolin; Wang, Zhenyu; Wu, Chao; Yu, Cuiping; Battino, Maurizio; El-Seedi, Hesham R; Du, Ming*; Biological and conventional food processing modifications on food proteins: structure, functionality, and bioactivity, Biotechnology Advances, 2019, 40: 1-14.

       11. Chen, Hui; Xu, Zhe; Fan, Fengjiao; Shi, Pujie; Tu, Maolin; Wang, Zhenyu; Du, Ming*; Identification and mechanism evaluation of a novel osteogenesis promoting peptide from Tubulin Alpha-1C chain in Crassostrea gigas, Food Chemistry, 2019, 272: 751-757.

       12. Wu, Di; Wu, Chao; Wang, Zhenyu; Fan, Fengjiao; Chen, Hui; Ma, Wuchao; Du, Ming*; Effects of high pressure homogenize treatment on the physicochemical and emulsifying properties of proteins from scallop (Chlamys farreri), Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 94: 537-545.

       13. Cheng, Shuzhen; Tu, Maolin; Liu, Hanxiong; Zhao, Guanghua; Du, Ming*; Food-derived antithrombotic peptides: Preparation, identification, and interactions with thrombin, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2019, 59: S81-S95.

       14. Tu, Maolin; Liu, Hanxiong; Cheng, Shuzhen; Mao, Fengjiao; Chen, Hui; Fan, Fengjiao; Lu, Weihong*; Du, Ming*; Identification and characterization of a novel casein anticoagulant peptide derived from in vivo digestion, Food & Function, 2019, 10(5): 2552-2559.

       15. Chen, Hui; Cheng, Shuzhen; Fan, Fengjiao; Tu, Maolin; Xu, Zhe; Du, Ming*; Identification and molecular mechanism of antithrombotic peptides from oyster proteins released in simulated gastro-intestinal digestion, Food & Function, 2019, 10(9): 5426-5435.

       16. Tu, Maolin#; Cheng, Shuzhen#; Lu, Weihong; Du, Ming*; Advancement and prospects of bioinformatics analysis for studying bioactive peptides from food-derived protein: sequence, structure, and functions, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 105: 7-17.

       17. Tu, Maolin#; Liu, Hanxiong#; Zhang, Ruyi; Chen, Hui; Mao, Fengjiao; Cheng, Shuzhen; Lu, Weihong; Du, Ming*; Analysis and evaluation of the Inihibitory Memchanism of a novel angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide derived from casein hydrolysate, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(16): 4139-4144.

       18. Fan, Fengjiao; Shi, Pujie; Liu, Meng; Chen, Hui; Tu, Maolin; Lu, Weihong; Du, Ming*; Lactoferrin preserves bone homeostasis by regulating the RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway of osteoimmunology, Food & Function, 2018, 9(5): 2653-2660.(封面文章)

       19. Tu, Maolin; Wang, Cong; Chen, Cheng; Zhang, Ruyi; Liu, Hanxiong; Lu, Weihong; Jiang, Lianzhou; Du, Ming*; Identification of a novel ACE-inhibitory peptide from casein and evaluation of the inhibitory mechanisms, Food Chemistry , 2018, 256: 98-104.(ESI高被引)

       20. Wu, Di; Wu, Chao; Ma, Wuchao; Wang, Zhenyu; Yu, Cuiping; Du, Ming*; Effects of ultrasound treatment on the physicochemical and emulsifying properties of proteins from scallops (Chlamys farreri), Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 89: 707-714

       21. Chen, Hui; Shi, Pujie; Fan, Fengjiao; Tu, Maolin; Xu, Zhe; Xu, Xianbing; Du, Ming*; Complementation of UPLC-Q-TOF-MS and CESI-Q-TOF-MS on identification and determination of peptides from bovine lactoferrin, Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2018, 1084: 150-157.



